Premature labor can be experienced by anyone. Generally the cause of babies born prematurely is not known with certainty and can be a combination of several factors. The cause can be biological, medical, or psychosocial factors. Normal delivery occurs when the baby is born at 38-40 weeks' gestation. Babies born before 37 weeks' gestation are called premature babies. About 12 percent of pregnant women can give birth prematurely. The younger the baby is born, the higher the risk of the baby experiencing health problems, because several organs of his body have not been able to work properly. Health problems that may be experienced by premature babies include jaundice, difficulty maintaining body temperature, difficulty breathing because the lungs are still not functioning properly, increased risk of infection, impaired vision and hearing, babies cannot eat food properly because it is difficult to breathe by swallowing , chronic pulmonary disorders, and cerebral palsy. Risk Fac...