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Come, Learn How To Recognize Fertility Through Cervical Mucus

There are many fertility predictors available on the market to find out if you are in the fertile period. Though changes in the production of cervical mucus (cervix), can give its own mark to recognize the fertile period, you know! Fertility can be determined through cervical mucus. Cervical mucus discharge occurs several days before ovulation, which is the process of releasing eggs that are ripe and ready to be fertilized, at this time the best time for sexual intercourse can be done to increase the likelihood of fertilization that results in pregnancy.

Benefits of Cervical Mucus

Throughout the menstrual cycle, the female reproductive organs will experience a number of changes in accordance with hormonal conditions. Similarly, the amount and quality of cervical mucus produced will be adjusted to the condition of the body. Generally approaching ovulation, estrogen levels start to surge. The cervix will secrete more mucus before ovulation. This condition is often referred to as the fertile period of women. Cervical mucus during fertility has a suitable texture and pH, so it can be a safe medium for protecting sperm from reaching the egg. For couples who are planning a pregnancy, this fertile period is the recommended time for experts to have sex.

Types of Cervical Mucus According to Menstrual Cycles

Changes that can occur in cervical mucus throughout the menstrual cycle, namely:
  • Yellowish, lumpy, and sticky in the period after menstruation

  • After menstruation is complete, cervical mucus production is fairly small. Even some women feel the vagina 'dry' at this time. But after a few days, the amount of mucus will begin to increase again, the color can be yellow or cloudy white, and sticky to the touch. This mucus stickiness resembles the texture of glue or paste. Usually mucus like this indicates that you are not in the fertile period and mucus texture makes it difficult for sperm to swim toward the egg.
  • Thick and soft like cream in the period before ovulation

  • By the time of ovulation, cervical mucus will begin to decrease the level of thickness. Mucus will become softer and the vagina will feel more moist. The color and texture of the mucus now resembles cream. Furthermore, you might find cervical mucus in a more fluid form but still looks thick. The color is yellowish white and textured like a lotion or cream to the touch.
  • Dilute until penetrating the underwear during ovulation

  • During ovulation, cervical mucus production will reach the highest level. The texture looks clear as white as egg white. The condition of cervical mucus like this is very good to be able to bring sperm to swim to the egg. At this time you usually feel that you are releasing a lot of fluid, even to the point that it flows through the vagina and wet the surface of the underwear. Once these symptoms appear, it means you are in the fertile period.
  • Like egg whites but a little thicker after ovulation

  • After ovulation, the amount of cervical mucus begins to decrease and become thicker. Slightly different from the previous texture, at this time the texture of the vaginal mucus is thicker and the white color is more clearly visible. If you hold it with two fingers, the mucus can be stretched up to 2-5 cm. This type of mucus also means that you are still in the fertile period, and cervical mucus can still deliver sperm to swim well.

Check Cervical Mucus During Fertility

Checking cervical mucus you can do by taking it by inserting the cleaned finger into the vagina to reach the cervix, you can use the index finger and middle finger. After that, try to notice mucus by rubbing the thumb with the fingers that have been inserted into the vagina, then slowly release. In addition, you can also check cervical mucus after using toilet paper, consider the cervical mucus attached to the tissue. Cervical mucus, which indicates fertility, is similar in appearance to egg white, clear and soft, and can be stretched. Although checking cervical mucus sounds easy, many women find it difficult to distinguish between cervical mucus in the fertile period and not. Of course, in addition to seeing cervical mucus, the fertile period can be recognized by many other symptoms, ranging from changes in basal body temperature to sensitive breasts. If that's not enough to detect your fertile period, you can use a variety of other ways to find out your fertile period, such as using a calendar method that can help you to calculate your fertile period.


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